Self-Hypnosis for Body Image Issues & Assertiveness in the Bedroom

In May 2021, my life took an unexpected turn. What began as a simple trip to the hospital for a stomach ache spiraled into a three-month ordeal filled with uncertainty and physical challenges. I was misdiagnosed with a condition I never had. The medication they gave me broke my entire body out in painful blisters. The aftermath was my body looking like i’d been in a plane crash. My legs swelled to the size of tree trunks and my immune system began to attack me internally.

Later, I required over twenty burn surgeries and multiple skin grafts on the lower half of my body. The medication I took burned my skin from the inside out, leaving me with scars and a new reality that felt daunting.

As I lay in that hospital bed, one of my first thoughts was, “Who is going to love me now?” I was terrified that the changes to my body would make me unlovable. The shame I felt about my scars weighed heavily on me; I worried about intimacy and how I would be perceived by potential partners. It felt like my body had betrayed me, and I struggled with feelings of inadequacy. I didn’t want to self delete, but I didn’t want to be in the mangled body I was in. “I got to get out of this body!” I said to myself laying in a blood stained body cast. At that moment I understood how Charles Lee Ray felt, trying to get out of that Chucky doll.

However, as time passed, I began to find my way back to myself. I remembered the various modalities of hypnosis I had learned previously in my training. I decided to harness that knowledge to foster a sense of self-acceptance and reclaim my confidence. I started practicing self-hypnosis in the burn unit, focusing on affirmations that celebrated my strength and unique journey. I would tell myself, “My body tells a story, and these scars make me a bad ass,” and visualize a future where I could embrace my scars rather than hide them.

I also made it a point to return to the gym. Initially, the idea of working out in my new body felt depressing, but I pushed through the discomfort. Each visit to the gym became a step toward rebuilding not just my physical strength but my mental resilience as well. I learned to appreciate my body for what it could do rather than how it looked. Slowly, I transformed my mindset, recognizing that my scars were a testament to my survival, not a mark of shame.

And guess what? Someone did love me. I found a partner who appreciated me for who I was, scars and all. This experience taught me that intimacy is not just about physical appearance; it’s about connection, vulnerability, and authenticity. When we allow ourselves to be naked—both physically and emotionally—we open up to a deeper level of intimacy. Our partners want to see us, flaws and all, because that’s how we truly connect.

If you’re reading this and struggling with feelings of anxiety around intimacy or body image, know that you’re not alone. It’s natural to feel self-conscious, especially if you’ve faced challenges or changes in your body. But remember, your worth is not defined by your appearance. Your partner desires to connect with you on a deeper level, and embracing your body is a powerful step towards that connection.

Quick Self-Hypnosis Technique for Intimacy

As you prepare for an intimate moment, consider using this simple self-hypnosis technique to enhance your confidence and connection with your partner. Whether you’re a man or a woman, this practice can help you feel more present, relaxed, and open to intimacy.

Step-by-Step Self-Hypnosis for Intimacy

1. Find a Quiet Space: Before your intimate moment, take a few minutes to yourself in a calm environment where you won’t be disturbed.

2. Get Comfortable: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

3. Focus on Relaxation: As you breathe, focus on relaxing each part of your body, starting from your toes and moving up to your head. With each exhale, imagine releasing any tension or negative thoughts.

4. Create a Safe Visualization: Picture a serene and safe space—somewhere you feel completely at ease. It could be a beach, a forest, or even a cozy room. Allow yourself to immerse in the sensations of this place.

5. Use Positive Affirmations: As you relax, start repeating affirmations that resonate with confidence and intimacy. Phrases like, “I am confident and deserving of love,” or “I am open to connection” can be powerful. Let these words sink deep into your subconscious.

6. Visualize Connection: Imagine the intimate moments you wish to share with your partner. Visualize yourself feeling confident, connected, and at ease as you engage with them. Picture the warmth of their touch and the joy of being vulnerable together.

7. Gradually Bring Yourself Back: When you feel ready, slowly count from one to five, telling yourself that with each number, you’ll return to the present feeling refreshed and confident. Open your eyes when you reach five.

8. Take Action: Carry that confidence into your intimate moment. Remember, you’ve set the stage for connection—allow yourself to be present and enjoy the experience.

Embrace the Journey

So, get back in the gym, if you can, and take care of your body. But more importantly, practice self-love and acceptance. Use techniques like self-hypnosis to reinforce positive beliefs about yourself. You deserve love, intimacy, and connection. Your scars tell a story of resilience, strength, and survival. Embrace them, and you might just find that love is closer than you think.

If you’re interested in exploring hypnosis further, I’m Robert Marshall, and I offer online hypnosis sessions tailored to your needs. Feel free to reach out to me for more information on how we can work together to unlock your potential and embrace intimacy with confidence. You deserve it!


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